Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sick Man

At our house it is usually me that gets sick. But not this year. This year my Ru has been sick more times then I can remember since knowing him. It seems like every other week he is out of commission for a couple of days. And I feel for him... but I also feel for me. I look like I swallowed a pumpkin whole these days, and feel as comfortable as if I had, and I am THE person at home. Just when I was hoping for more of his help with things (like reaching the floor, or our kid) Rudy is not healthy enough to be that guy. And I am not good at taking care of him or feeling sorry for him when he is sick. I admit to that. He goes to bed and stays there for 2 days and I have just not had that option since becoming a mom. Ever. I know every other mom out there feels my pain.
Then it hit me. He also doesn't have the option of staying in his pj's and being a lazy bones on a work day. And I do. So, I'm gonna work on being a little nice to my big sick baby. Because he brings home the bacon that I cook.

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