Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So, Rudy was working late and Naenae, Dre and I were having dinner. It was spaghetti night, and Naenae likes hers plain. She laid them out on the table in very straight lines, then she turned to me and said "Mommy, don't cross Naenae's line."
Where did she learn this????

Dre just found it amusing. Figures.

Dre has started eating baby cereal, here in Switzerland they start to feed babies cereal at 4 months and boy was Dre ever ready to eat. He has already eaten more cereal then Naenae did. Ever.
I guess my fountain of breast milk is just not enough for my 20lb boy. But have no worries, just because he is eating his breast feeding has not slowed down a bit. Lucky me.
I'm already afraid for the teenage years. A girl with attitude (and then some) and a boy who eats like a sumo wrestler.

Everyday I am one baby step closer to normal :) No really. In the past year and a half there have been so many major changes in our lives that when I'm not feeling completely overwhelmed I'm feeling completely exhausted.
It has felt like I go a do all the 'things' but that I don't participate fully. I don't have the fun that I want to have. Some of it comes from being a mom. You are always the one worrying about if you have all the stuff you need, how much time you have, how the activity will effect the day, the week.

So I passed a milestone. Only in my own head, but that still counts.
I'm going to work on letting go, not always being prepared but always enjoying what I'm doing in the moment. On only getting worked up as a mom when my child is in danger, not when they are just doing things I don't like.
This is going to take time. This is going to create laundry. This is going to make life fun for my kids... and for me.

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