Friday, December 3, 2010

I'm alive!!! And prioritized!!

SO.... it's been a long time.
I put myself in a very long time out from the world wide interweb. I was finding that I was just a tad too attached to my computer and that it was starting to take first place in my day to day life. And I didn't like it.
I gave myself a rule. Computer day is Friday. And if I am busy on Friday tough beans. My kids, my house, my neighbours all come before me sitting at my desk looking up how to make my own pita bread. Even though I love pita bread.
I fear that I will miss out on a lot of things happening in my homeland, and I'm sure I am. I have already missed an important bday. That I regret.
On the flip side though it is actually forcing me to really, really, really integrate into my community. I am actually socializing now people. 
Here's the low down on me:
-Dre went for his 18 month checkup. 88cm tall. 14.8 kg. BIG BOY. 
-got to go to the doctor for my birthday (11.11.) he gave me antibiotics. Awesome gift. Too sick to enjoy Jahrmarkt and that made me want to cry.
-Danae and I go to MuKi Turnen (mother kid exercise/run around the gym class) on Wednesday mornings, we love it. Almost as much as Zumba.
-Danae is still in Buurihofli Spielgruppe (Farm playgroup) with Ru's cousin Gabriella. Danae LOVES it, and Gabriella always has the kids doing something super cool.
-Rudy had his yearly review. Good things are coming in the future people. That's all I can say.
-My xmas decos are up. Pics to come.
-My mom is coming on Dec. 30. Whoot whoot. I can't wait.
-I'm gonna need surgery. It makes me anxious because who will look after my kids if I'm outta commision for a couple days??? If you want more deets ask me.
-The mommies that swap kids on Tuesday mornings decided that we should have a Christmas work party too and are going to dinner. This will be my 2nd time since living here to go to dinner with friends.
-I taped a show called "The Beauty of Diagrams" for my hubby. Mel I thought you might like this.
-Dre knows where his eyes, ears, nose, hair, teeth, tongue, belly, hands, feet, penis and bum are.
-Danae knows how to draw a "d" and an "a". She knows her left and right. She says things like "My heart feels like I want to. My head says so too."
-Dre is having wicked tantrums. He twirls around about three times and then flings himself on the floor. Hilarious to watch, but he did it like three times an hour today.
-Danae is having a sleepover at her friend Tyler's tonight. She said "Goodbye, umm, Mommy. Goodbye, Sarah. I love you." Man they grow up fast.

I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. Danae really gets it now and Dre just loves excitement. And I love that they are big enough that I can get all the Christmas goodies done that I want to. We are seriously getting into the fun stage of things with the kids now. Thank goodness. And man do my kids ever play nicely together. Of course they have their moments where Dre is screaming like a girl and Danae is yelling at him, but they also hug lots and cuddled together. SO CUTE.

Ru tells me that I must change my internet time to at least 2 times per week, as I am our connection to the world. And I agree. But I really needed to hit that reset button and cold turkey myself :)


Ursi said...

Sarah, so good to hear from you!! I'm excited and jealous that you get to do some of your community activcities. I love that you set your priorities (I'm still working on getting mine in order).
I hope all is well with you and I'll call you soon to get more info about that surgery.
You can tell Rudy that after a horrible night, all is well and we all went back to sleep by about 4 a.m.

Lots of Love,
P.S. Thanks for the X-mas mail. We'll be good and wait until the 25th

Chris Eigenheer said...

Hey, what happened? surgery? rudy never told me anything about that. is he in trouble now? Maybe i shouldn't have told you that he didn't tell me...i hope not, if so, sorry rudy! Hey, what's this joy of diagrams clip? i have to see it. i'm sure there are some very fundamental to society and life (and everything) truths in it...let me know where to find it...

Sir Rudiger said...

Chris, the Diagrams thing is actually a mini series on the BBC. You can probably find it online, maybe I could draw you a diagram of how to find it.

mel said...

what the heck? surgery?? what's the scoop??? take care, rest up and get thee into your home to be so we can come and visit (i am working on chris for an euro trip in a few)

i wait for your about 4 weeks...
