Thursday, August 26, 2010

The End of Summer

It has already come to Switzerland. The end of summer.
The weather hasn't heard the news, it has been beautiful and warm. But the one thing that symbolizes the end of summer happened at the beginning of the week.
The kids went back to school.
What, what's that I hear?.... WHOOT WHOOT.
'But your kid's not in school yet' you say. I know. But back to school also means back to playgroup and back to playdates with her friends every week. I love routine.

We have been enjoying our summer whenever possible this year. We have just gotten in the car and gone for daytrips in obscure places. We go for walks, even in the rain, and always a different route.
I love that our kids are getting a little older. It is just easier to pack up and go when you don't need to take half the house with you.
Last night we went and walked up a big lookout tower in Buch Am Irchel and I didn't even bring an extra diaper. We were only going to be gone for a couple hours. Just a stroller and away we went!

This week my dear little daughter has been waking me up at 6:15am to:
-get her gum
-tickle her back
-do things for her, not sleep, because that's what she wants
-watch her TV program with her
I have officially succeeded in raising a princess.
It makes this big princess a little cranky. And that is not very regal.

Here is a random little video


mel said...

about time! keep up the blog. it helps us stay tunned in to you's!! love the vid clip. they have grown SO much!

Cheri said...

Very cute video.
I love the new look as well.